It's the fine nuance between "falling over" and "had a fall" to watch out for.

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Oh yes it's a nightmare world of children driving fast cars and giant curb stones that are just waiting for some dozy biped action.

As for sudden public drop/ face plank these are simply mysteriously & quite possibly satellite controlled lasers or something. Private equity shareholders in GP practices possibly, who knows.

Sympathies from public bystanders, if any, seem to depend on the prone groan crawl to stand reflex velocity.

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This kind of thing has happened to me all my life – although at 47 I'm noticing too that I don't bounce back as quickly. Currently still recovering from slipping over in late August when getting up too quickly from an outdoor plank (at morning bootcamp) and falling with my full weight onto the little finger of my left hand, and then falling onto my badminton partner in December and hurting the wrist and thumb of the same hand. As my entire job involves me being able to type, this is not ideal.

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“the measure is if the body doesn’t replace or repair it then you shouldn’t eat it”

That’s why you can always eat as much as you want of your own delicious ham hand.

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oo, that's a bit nasty. Take care mate. Here's something, about 10 years ago, friday night, finished work, was raining so trying not to get my work suit too wet, was walking as fast as I could. Next thing I'm on the deck, after a minute or two, I get to my feet, and go to the nearest pub to calm down and have a pint. It was only then, as I walked, something wasn't right. I'd broken both arms and my right leg from walking down the street. Pain was exruitating, and the oramoph (liquid morphine) was nice, and was a fun 2 months off work. It's like the older you get, the dafter injuries you get. Stood up from a chair at work on Friday, turned around, and was nearer the wall than I anticipated, stotted my head off the wall, fell back on the floor. Everyone thought it was hilarious. I didn't know what day it was.

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