Rich, do you like 'Half Man Half Biscuit'? Seems like they might be up your street.....possibly decent podcast guests?

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I would LOVE that! Their general knowledge and wordplay is incredibly sophisticated and I learn so much from listening to them. I would be so interested to hear a long form interview. I bet there's a big crossover between Herring fans x HMHB too.

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There's at least three of us, it would seem...

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2

Why Stew was only writing yesterday in the Grauniad how he’s an Oasis fan… what’s going on?

Such a shame, Lee & Herring as captains on Buzzcocks would’ve been fantastic, made doubly fun by your utter lack of knowledge of the music being played, or the musicians in a line-up, juxtaposed with Stew’s smarmy infinite pop & alternative music knowledge.

It’s not too late to be captains now, it’s back on telly I think. This is the reunion I want to see in 2025.

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I loved music and comedy - but I disagree that everyone can do comedy. I’m not funny just sarcastic

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I don't get all the fuss about the Oasis reunion either. Anyway, you might be interested in this documentary about a band called Grandad's Don't Indicate. They just did their own thing, and loved doing it. Very few people have heard of them. I even grew up in Scarborough, where they did, but I don't recall anyone ever mentioning them. The doc has been shown at various festivals and is now on YouTube https://youtu.be/J5oOFZDkm3c?feature=shared

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I’m the same in not being very into music and am bewildered how much it clearly matters to others. My default is to recoil from any song I don’t already know well and love. Rare exceptions are the musical numbers in the feminist and highly intelligent comedy, Crazy ExGirlfriend. Watching the first episode I was about to jump ship when the lead character burst into song (The Sexy Getting Ready Song) but was immediately won over by it’s sharply observed humour. My favourite songs in the series over all are:

I Go To The Zoo


and Real Life Fighting is Awkward


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Really interesting, on both music, and missed opportunities. I can't imagine not loving music, though I get the appreciation of words and comedy. Thanks for being so honest and forthcoming. This is exactly the stuff I would want to ask you about.

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£600?? as much as I love music I wouldn't pay that to see anyone. Although I am tempted to bombard you with lists of songs with lyrics better than any poetry being published today. Except that I won't cause I don't want to get banned.

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I’d pay £600 for a ticket to Lee & Herring Live ‘25.

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I'm the same with music, only ever bought complication albums in the 80s, listened to radio rather than having to listen to a specific artist, never had Spotify or listened to music online, just spoken word. My daughter's (in their 20s) are the opposite and can't understand why anyone listens to radio when you can choose exactly what you want and pipe it directly into your ears.

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🎵 if I could turn back time, what would I do differently? oh oh oh oh if I could turn back time.

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“There's only 7 notes” - let’s count them, shall we? A, Bb, B, C, Db, D, E, F, F#, G, Ab. Additionally some may saw that the flat version of a note is not the same as sharp version. Also, I still think I’ve missed one out as since I am a guitarist I tend to only play A minor pentatonic in which case there are only 5 notes! But I take your point, irrespective of its inaccuracy 🤣

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Oh sorry didn't realise we were including parts of tone. In that case there are infinity notes. Flats and sharps are just broken notes and you know it. I got 100% in my Grade V theory.

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careful, he might be the Steve Harris off of Iron Maiden

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Haha! Sadly not! 🤘

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C Minor called, wants to know what you've got against Eb?

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I did say I thought I’d missed one out, so thank you for reminding me of Eb

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