I am the same age as you -( one knee is a bit fucked )- do you think you talking about aging (a lot!) makes you notice things to do with aging? I remember a new pub opening - my friend and I had gone (under age) and we talked about how shocked someone 'older' we knew was there and how we were surprised she still went out - she was 24! I am older now than people I thought were ancient at the time.

It's great to have time off in the school holidays - I always felt for friends who had to stagger their annual leave or use holiday clubs - the time does really go so fast. Rainbow cars sounds fun and more advanced then 'mini punch'

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'I am not very good at realising how old I am. I don't feel like I am a man careering towards his sixties at the breathtaking speed of a second every second. I feel no different inside than I did 35 years ago. I can't even begin to comprehend the awful practical joke that life has played on me by allowing me to get this old. I am absolutely furious about it. Plus with all the time I wasted about being furious about being 40 when I was actually really young.'

This paragraph really resonated, and I'm 'only' 51....I find it almost incomprehensible to vocalise the sentence 'I'm nearly 52', unless I slap myself round the chops, tell me to pull my stupid self together, and really reflect hard on all the water under the bridge. Only then can I just about agree that the sentence is actually true.

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Same, but actually 52, although still a 14-year old idiot who apparently has a grown-up job.

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As our birthdays are on the same day, I always think ah, well Richard Herring is 12 years older. It makes me feel a bit better.

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Damn you Jessica and your comparative your. Malala also shares our birthday and she’s only 27 (and bill cosby 87). I am 30 years away from each proving things are improving each generation

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My brother-in-law’s dizziness was due to some problem going on in the inner ear. Possibly something to look into, if you haven’t already.

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Yes, I’ve had that too. Benign positional vertigo. This doesn’t feel like exactly the same thing to me and the dizziness presents differently, but my ear also feels weird so it might be to do with that!

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Bruce Kimmel - possible RHLSTP guest? (actor, writer, director, composer, and Grammy-nominated CD producer)


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That’s the guy. Damn he’s still alive

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Macca is still the dream guest for me. Basically there's no point talking about the music, as it's all been said before, it's all the other stuff that he's never talked about would be a gem to hear. Emergency questions, wow, if it ever happens don't ask the human centipede one!

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Surely the centipede would be John-Paul-George-Ringo.

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Sep 5·edited Sep 5

Bugger, I just spent half an hour trying to remember and find his blog again too, came here to post it, and you'd beat me by half a day. (I think it was me who originally alerted Rich to Bruce's blog in the Warming Up guestbook, back in the day...)

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I started playing CNPS after seeing a pre Edinburgh preview of the Pillars of Hercules in 2003 (?) at the Space on the Isle of Dogs.

There was some England football game on, so not a sold out gig. About 10 in the audience of which we were 6. Had friend that lived in Balham, and after as we were drinking outside in the bar Richard came over to ask if anyone wanted to share a lift back to Balham. At the time we thought he was a TV star so were too embarrassed to accept. Didn't know he was actually pretty depressed and lonely.

I thought I would start CNPS and saw 1-5 pretty quick. Totally fucked it by moving to Northern Ireland in 2012 when I was in the low 300s. Anyway, I'm looking for 343 and it's been 2 years since my last plate.

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Something for everyone in the family! I got to thrust this in the general direction of my aged husband (52) and say ‘see, it is age - you are old. Richard has it too’.

I got to reflect on the fleeting nature of our children’s lives. As mine are now teens I see how beautifully irrelevant I am - no matter how much I regale them of my hilarious japes and reassurances I too was a cool kid once.

And my son has decided to start an NZ game of CNS. he screen shot the rules and is going to make it part of his D&D campaign. Ha. Nerd.

Thanks Richard!

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Look at how much I've written??? This is my blog now ("I am the captain now").

Where is your CNPS score? I'm not seeing it on your page, though maybe I need to look in desktop mode.

This is somehow the first I've heard of CNPS, but I assure you: I will be playing. I'm a burgeoning mathematician, so you can imagine I already obsess over numbers.

As an American, I'll have to make some adjustments, but obviously I will be playing with high honor, as described. BTW, I love that you've detailed all of the ways people are likely to cheat (themselves, in the end) when trying to play.

Regarding aging: I'm 29 and just starting (part-time} grad. school, and most of the other students are just out of undergrad.; i.e., ~23-24 years old, so I feel like a Richard Herri - sorry, I mean I feel like an Old Geezer!

That means these people were born after 2000. Truly horrifying. Mid-90s gang rise up.

Not to be genuine or anything, but the description of your interactions with your kids is adorable and very wholesome. Neither my wife nor myself want to have kids - we enjoy working rather too much, and a dog is enough extra work as it is - but it always makes me happy to see people raising future generations and being happy AND doing a good job at it.

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