Will you still go back to clear the field of stones once you move to Hitchin?

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It’s possible

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Kids’ holidays sorted - need to get the next generation of Herrings on this Sisyphusian task

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How far to Hitchen, it’s Hitchen I’m missing.

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Obviously I need to know where in Hitchin you are moving to.

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Can’t believe one of my most favourite comedians is moving to my old home town now that I live on the other side of the world. But maybe that’s a good thing - you don’t want a 40yr old shouting ‘Stop saying Ahhhh’ and ‘rod hull’ when you’re getting inspired in coffee shops.

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7

Root canals really aren't anything to worry about these days, other than the price if you're having to pay. I've had two and they're a piece of piss, certainly less painful (both during and after) than a boring old filling.

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Good to know. Hopefully it won’t come to that. The figure of £800 was mentioned.

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You could’ve kept the cut off hair to use to repair Ally’s decaying barnet

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I agree: you look like Katie Hopkins, less angry, and that Hitching is doing you good, this post was a lot of fun.

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My dentist used to be in Hitchin. I'm sure they are still in Hitchin, but I am not.

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Welcome (back) to Hitchin ! 😀

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I had an idea for a gameshow in a dream once, with example questions and everything.

It was based on Venn diagrams (well, probably Euler diagrams but my subconscious mind wasn't that pedantic)- the first round was that you had to guess the categories of the circles based on examples that were put in the diagram (one on either 'side' and one in the overlap) and then round two was that you had to name something that could go in the 'overlap' that would also fit other examples in the bits that didn't overlap.

I got quite excited about it and even did a PowerPoint presentation on how it would work, but it occurred to me that it was maybe a bit too similar to the wall in Only Connect (albeit with a twist). Still, that didn't stop the people who came up with 'Connections' for the New York Times, which appears to be exactly the same as the wall in Only Connect.

(PS if any Big Time TV Game Show people are reading this - big if - then feel free to get in touch, although I guess I've basically given away the whole idea above. If I see it being played on TV with the sound off in hospital waiting room in a few years' time then I guess I'll know that Richard Osman subscribes to this substack).

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