Aug 26Liked by Richard Herring

Arrived in my inbox with perfect timing - 7pm NZ time. Means I can ignore my teens - who in turn are ignoring me - and stay sat on the couch. Love the video, think substack is going to be a great choice.

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Aug 26Liked by Richard Herring

What a delight this was! Thanks Richard.

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Aug 26·edited Aug 26Liked by Richard Herring

Nice idea to get these delivered daily to one's inbox. It appeared under 'Promotions' in Gmail (& was a bit lost in with all the general mailouts) so I'll ensure it goes into the main Inbox tab in future so it's more obvious when it arrives! The video is a fun addition, too. Thanks.

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Aug 26Liked by Richard Herring

Ernie’s song reminds me of one that my middle son, then 3yrs old, sang about/to his older brother, then 5: “I love my my bigger brother, I love my Giacomo, I love my Giacomo who is a bigger brother. Giacomo is my best friend, I love Giacomo …” and so on 🥹 They were sat hugging each other throughout this song and I have a photo of it 🥰 Nine years on they are still good friends; interactions between the middle one and my youngest, however, are very much like Phoebe to Ernie …

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Well here we go - I’ve lost count of the various ways I’ve flung money at you since about 2004 and as I’m getting on a bit now (even older than you) I’m considering changing my will to eventually leave you everything I’ve got left. Or maybe set up a trust fund for future Top Comedian Ernie Herring. 🤔

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Support appreciated John. This is the first time your money will actually come to me, rather than going towards making more podcasts, but yes it's time for us both to look to the next generation and hope they make something of the lives we have wasted!

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Really happy to see that you're still working with Terry. I've missed that guy.

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Yes, I don't know why I forgot to ask him to take the mistakes out of the middle. He always did that in the original podcast.

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Good to see you here Richard. I’ve always admired your approach to fear and procrastination, the ‘what’s the worst that could happen?’ philosophy. I always let that fear beat me in my desire to be a published author and generally in life.

You’ve convinced me to start up my newsletter here, and my writing and see just what happens.:-) Looking forward to seeing how you use this space.

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Hopefully 100% of the questions for Chesney will be about his second single 'Man Not a Boy', with no reference to whatever it was he was doing before that.

In other news, it's good to see that Science is finally learning about the curse of being the world's oldest person: https://www.theguardian.com/science/article/2024/aug/24/never-take-health-tips-from-worlds-oldest-people-say-scientists

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Most pleased to see you Substack, as I have only just come on myself. Oh, that doesn't read very well, does it, I didn't mean I've come on myself...… ahem, anyway, looking forward to your jolly witty posts, etc. The RHLSTP's have been entertaining me for ages...

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Nice one Ian! Good luck with it too!

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Nice one Richard. We don’t get to see you much in Australia and this is a nice way to keep us all in the loop. Loved Ernie’s joke and his subsequent Edinburgh fringe show. If only we still had an online sketch show!

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More more more!!!! Get Ernie to work out a full 10 minutes, he'll be great

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If Ernie does write a routine repeating things family members have said to him, for the stage show he could get you all to record what was said in your posh telephone voices.

Oh wait, that may be considered a touch hackneyed...

Also, Paradox is a new bubble bath just for us dads.

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"When I was a kid my mum nearly always told me I was handsome, but then some of her friends said it too and that was inappropriate."

This is a solid bit!

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Long term fan first time commenter! Love the idea of using Substack to revive the serialised novel as you can't beat a bit of tension/jeopardy/cliffhanger suspense. It's wonderful to see you write so passionately about your kids; Phoebe already comes across like a mini Jo Brand and I reckon Ernie has a touch of Rob Auton about him. Keep doing what you're doing as without sounding corny as you make life just that little bit funnier and bearable when you see all the fear, hate and cruelty in the world.

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Thanks Glyn. We'll see how much time I have to devote to this thing (I suspect too much) and hope it can tease some interesting writing out of me

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Hello Richard! It’s great to have you here. It seems like such a civilised place after Twitter. As a very established follower and 1st generation Badger I’ve been reading your stuff for a long time, but something about you plopping in to my inbox makes it more intimate, somehow. I very much like the idea of your becoming the 2020s Dickens or Conan Doyle with your serialised novel.

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Thanks Amanda. Appreciate the support and hope that this platform encourages new writing and the kind of stuff I always so I want to do, but never get round to!

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My wife and I are also interested in what shape our kids inevitable rebellion will take.

After all, we're such reasonable, open-minded people?

How on earth will they shock us?


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Thanks for inviting me Arthur. Think it might be the right place for me.

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